The Board of Directors serves as the governing body of SANDAG and is made up of elected mayors, councilmembers, and county supervisors that are appointed from each of the region’s 19 local governments. The Board of Directors serves as the forum for bringing together our local governments and public agencies to plan, program, and implement cooperative comprehensive planning across the San Diego region.
To help SANDAG address key public policy and funding responsibilities, the Board has delegated certain responsibilities to six Policy Advisory Committees that are focused on distinct issue areas. All items delegated to the Policy Advisory Committees are subject to Board ratification.
The Board of Directors meetings are generally held at 10 a.m. every second Friday of the month for approximately two hours and at 9 a.m. every fourth Friday of the month for approximately three hours. Meetings provide the public forum for policy decision-making on significant regional issues such as growth, transportation, environmental management, housing, open space, air quality, energy, fiscal management, economic development, and criminal justice.
Staff contact: Clerk of the Board,