SANDAG adopts an annual program budget, which is a comprehensive financial summary of the agency’s activities. The budget sets out our planned activities, illustrates how our work aligns with the priorities of our member agencies, and positions us to serve the region through the delivery of major infrastructure projects, policy initiatives, and regional services. There are three primary components of the program budget.
- The Overall Work Program (OWP) is an inventory of the regional planning projects and programs such as the Regional Plan and Data and Modeling services.
- The Regional Operations and Services component provides management of ongoing operational programs and customer services such as the SR 125 Toll Road, Freeway Service Patrol, and the SANDAG Vanpool program.
- The Capital Projects budget is the largest component, and it’s a direct result of state legislation that made SANDAG the responsible agency for construction of major regional transit facilities. This component of the budget includes the multiyear TransNet Major Corridor and Regional Bikeway Program and other transit and capital improvements. Examples of this work include the LOSSAN Rail Realignment, North Coast Corridor Program, bike infrastructure, and Otay Mesa East Port of Entry projects.
The map below provides information about mappable capital projects. Click and drag through the map to find your area of interest or use the search bar in the top left corner to look up a specific project by name or CIP number. Reference the full FY 2025 Budget to find each project's official name and number. Select the desired project from the map or the list of options under the search, and a small window will pop up with information on the project, such as where you can find it in the budget and key financial data.
View larger map.