At SANDAG, we connect people, places, and innovative ideas with solutions to benefit everyone in our unique and diverse communities. We strive to improve the lives of all residents in the region through our many transportation, environmental, and equity-focused initiatives. The impact of our projects and programs can be as simple as making it easier for people to walk or ride their bikes or as sophisticated as planning for the region’s entire future transportation network. We are caretakers of the region and stewards of sustainability and the environment.
The many projects we work on require millions of dollars to plan and build. We receive funding from a variety of local, state, and federal grants, but because most of these funding sources are tied to specific programs, such as individual highway, bus, rail, or bike/pedestrian projects, SANDAG must find other funding sources to pay for a project completely or create new ones. One of the ways we’ve been able to secure matching state and federal investments is by leveraging TransNet—the local half cent sales tax administered by SANDAG to deliver key infrastructure improvements throughout the San Diego region. Through TransNet and other state and federal funding, SANDAG also distributes millions of dollars to agencies such as Caltrans, transit agencies, and the local cities and county every year.
Engineering & Construction Publications
General Design Criteria
LOSSAN Corridor and San Diego Subdivision Engineering Standard Drawings
LOSSAN Design Criteria
LRT Design Criteria
NCTD Integrated Pest Management Plan
NCTD Landscape Design Maintenance and Management Plan
SANDAG Construction Manual
San Diego Regional Coastal Sea Level Rise Analysis
Service Life Design Guide for Corrosion Prevention for Concrete Structures in San Diego County