Innovative mobility redefines transportation by integrating advanced technologies such as electronic and wireless communication systems and alternative fuels. At SANDAG, we strive to expand these types of transportation options to ensure the San Diego region’s transportation system is built on sustainability, connects all residents and visitors with a variety of modes of transportation, and transitions our region to zero-emission vehicles. Our efforts are meant to create services that help advance the transformative vision of the 2021 Regional Plan as shaped by the 5 Big Moves.
In November 2021, we released a Request for Innovative Concepts inviting innovators, entrepreneurs, service providers, and mobility experts to submit innovative concepts for transportation “Connector” services. This is a phased procurement intended to explore new ways SANDAG can collaborate with the private sector to leverage new technologies and transportation trends in implementing the Regional Plan.
In another effort to explore innovative technologies to help the San Diego region meet state and regional clean climate transportation goals, we’re developing ideas to implement innovative infrastructure such as in-road electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Through the new SANDAG Wireless EV Charging Whitepaper, we provide an overview of the technology available, challenges and opportunities for deploying this technology, and potential use cases for wireless charging in the region.