The I-15/SR 78 Managed Lanes Direct Connectors project (also known as I-15/SR 78 HOV Connectors) proposes creating new direct connector ramps between the existing I-15 Express Lanes and three miles of newly proposed managed lanes on SR 78. Residential and economic growth along the east/west SR 78 corridor in the cities of Escondido and San Marcos has strained connections to and from I-15. This improvement will help people get to their homes, jobs, and other desired destinations more quickly by improving traffic flow on and between the two corridors, leading to a better quality of life in North San Diego County.
New managed lanes on SR 78 in San Marcos will connect to the existing express lanes on I-15 in Escondido.
Key improvements proposed as part of the project include:
- Building direct connectors between I-15 and SR 78
- Extending three miles of managed lanes in each direction on SR 78 between the I-15 interchange and San Marcos Boulevard
- Adding a westbound auxiliary lane between Nordahl Road and Woodland Parkway/Barham Drive
- Relocating the eastbound SR 78 on-ramp from Barham Drive
- Widening and realigning Barham Drive from La Moree Road to Woodland Parkway
- Replacing the Woodland Parkway undercrossing
- Constructing a bike facility on Barham Drive/Woodland Parkway
Caltrans is the lead agency on this project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This project is also a top priority among direct connector projects in the SANDAG Regional Plan. The project has an estimated cost of $450 million.
For more information, check our News page for project updates, subscribe to our email list, or contact sr78@sandag.org.