05.20.2024 | Construction Notice
Night Work to Begin/Temporary Construction Access Paths
Starting May 19, 2024, night work will begin as part of the Del Mar Bluffs Phase 5 Stabilization project. This is in addition to ongoing construction work during the day. This notice was sent to residences near our construction crew’s area of operation.
Night work will likely take place several nights a week from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. throughout the project’s construction duration, which is anticipated to last about three years (through mid-2027). Those living close to construction areas may notice worksite lights and equipment noise, including Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required backup alarms.
In addition, construction crews will be building temporary access points (or construction equipment “driveways”) at the ends of 8th Street and 11th Street starting in the next several days. These temporary access paths will stay in place for the duration of the project and be used by construction vehicles during both day and night work. SANDAG crews will use these access paths to enter and exit North County Transit District’s rail right-of-way. Driveway access will be maintained, and flaggers will be present to ensure the safe movement of construction equipment.
Please use caution near construction zones; it is dangerous to trespassers and crews when unauthorized people enter an active work site.
What to Expect during Construction
- Work will occur in various locations along the LOSSAN rail tracks on the upper and lower bluffs and the beach, between 15th Street and the Bridge at N. Torrey Pines Road.
- Construction will not impact daily rail service or beach access (from existing public access points).
- SANDAG will closely monitor bird nesting and grunion runs to ensure there are no disturbances from construction.
- Project materials and equipment will be stored in the area near Ocean Front and 18th Street, as well as in a small section of the Torrey Pines State Beach North parking lot (see map).
Note: Construction schedules are subject to change. Sign up for email notices on construction activities at SANDAG.org/subscribe. For up-to-date information please visit SANDAG.org/bluffstabilization. Contact lossancorridor@sandag.org or 858.549.RAIL with any questions.

Phase 5 Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization Map showing stabilization efforts, new sea walls and construction staging areas.