One of our many efforts to make housing more available in the San Diego region while reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) is through SANDAG’s regional coordination of the state’s Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program. The AHSC Program is a competitive state funded grant that aims to reduce GHG emissions by funding projects that combine affordable housing with sustainable transportation improvements.
This program is administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC) and funded through California cap-and-trade auction proceeds. AHSC funds both loans for affordable housing construction and grants for housing-related infrastructure, transportation projects, and community programming.
Eligible applicants include a locality, public housing authority, redevelopment successor agency, transit agency or transit operator, regional transportation planning agency, local transportation commissions, congestion management agencies, joint powers authority, school district, facilities district, university, community college district, developer, or federally recognized tribal governments.
For additional information about the AHSC program or to be added to SANDAG’s AHSC email contact list, please contact Stacey Cooper at 619.595.5354 or