Because the rail line through the LOSSAN Corridor is so essential, we are working on responses to landslides, erosion, and seismic activity which have caused collapses along the coastal bluffs in Del Mar and temporary shutdowns of the rail line. In the short term, we are working to stabilize the Del Mar bluffs. We are also looking at options for realigning the tracks completely off the bluffs.
Progress to Date
After completing a planning study in 2023 and gathering public input, a Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report was released in June 2024. In response to comments we received on the notice of preparation (NOP), we launched a value analysis study to improve the existing alignment alternatives and identify new ones for consideration.
Read the Value Analysis Report for more details
Check our calendar for upcoming community office hours and information sessions to learn more about the value analysis study and next steps in this project.
On Friday, February 21, we will release staff recommendations to the SANDAG Board of Directors. On Friday, February 28, the Board will be asked to provide direction regarding which alternatives to analyze in the environmental document.
The next opportunity for public feedback will happen when the value analysis study report is presented to the Board of Directors. Additionally, if/when a revised NOP and subsequent draft environmental impact report are released, we will seek further public feedback.
Connect with Us
We value your input and regularly review public comments and feedback. There are many ways for you to stay informed and share your thoughts.
- Follow SANDAG on social media.
- Check our calendar for opportunities to engage.
- Watch recordings of past events, available on our YouTube page.
- Subscribe to receive email updates.
- Schedule a virtual meeting with project experts.
- Contact us at or 858.549.RAIL (TTY: 619.699.1904).
Value Analysis Study
Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report
LOSSAN Rail Realignment Alternatives Analysis
- San Dieguito to Sorrento Valley Double Track Alternatives Analysis: Full Report (2023)
- San Dieguito to Sorrento Valley Double Track Alternatives Analysis: Appendices