The SANDAG Vanpool Program is a convenient way for groups of five or more to get to work.
When you start or join a vanpool, you can:
- Save money on your commute—most participants spend less than $100 per month.
- Spend less time stuck in traffic with access to HOV Lanes.
- Help create a more sustainable San Diego region by reducing road congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Receive subsidies to offset vehicle lease costs.
- Up to $500 for gas vehicles
- Up to $600 for electric vehicles
By sharing your ride, you also can take advantage of free amenities throughout the region including the I-15 Express Lanes, park and ride lots, and the Guaranteed Ride Home program.
To join the SANDAG Vanpool Program, submit the Vanpool Interest Form and SANDAG will help connect you with available vanpool options that fit your schedule and location.
To learn more, call 619.710.4009 or email
Military and Federal Employees
Military and federal employees can save even more through the Transportation Incentive Program (TIP). The TIP is a federally subsidized benefit that currently pays vanpool program participants up to $300 per month. That’s over $3,000 each year, letting participants commute for little to no out-of-pocket cost.
Active duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel, Department of the Navy (DON) civil servants, Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) civilian employees, and members of Reserve Components serving on active duty for more than 30 days are eligible for the TIP.
Visit the Navy Region Southwest website for more information and to apply online with your Common Access Card (CAC)