SANDAG, Caltrans, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are teaming up to improve traffic flow where State Route 78 (SR 78) and Interstate 5 (I-5) meet. Cars in this area currently move through a signal at the I-5 southbound ramp/Vista Way intersection, causing traffic congestion, delays, and poor air quality. Travel demand is projected to increase in this area, placing further stress on the interchange.
The I-5/SR 78 Interchange Improvement project (also known as SR 78/I-5 Express Lanes Connector) is intended to help meet anticipated travel demand and improve connectivity throughout the corridor. Caltrans is currently identifying project alternatives that could include improvements such as connecting and extending existing auxiliary lanes and reconfiguring the interchange to construct direct freeway-to-freeway connectors and/or ramps. Once alternatives have been identified, Caltrans will develop technical studies to evaluate the costs, impacts, and benefits of each alternative.
This project is part of the North Coast Corridor (NCC) program and a key component in the North County Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP).
For more information, check our News page for project updates, subscribe to our email list, or contact buildncc@sandag.org.